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Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations

As we battle the spread of COVID-19 and understand more and more how transmission can occur from person-to-person, workspaces can quickly become outbreak sites unless the correct measures are taken. Signs are the best way to create and maintain awareness.
You can download and print all these signs for free and use them as you need. If you share these images online then please link to our site.

Wear A Mask

Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations

Wash Your Hands

Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations
What To Do If You’re Infected

Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations

Stop The Spread

Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations

Use Hand Sanitizer

Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations
Stay Healthy, Wash Your Hands

Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations
Mask and Social Distancing

Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations
Quarantine vs Isolation

Free Printable Posters and Signs for COVID-19 for Small Businesses & Organizations

They can, and should be, used to remind employees and customers to:

  • Remain 6 feet away from each other in order to maintain social distancing
  • Practice good hygiene and wash hands regularly
  • Wear a cloth face covering
  • Use hand sanitizer when hand-washing is not available
  • Use a tissue or your elbow when you sneeze or cough and wash hands immediately after

Workplaces will need to increase ventilation by opening windows and doors, rearrange desks and chairs to ensure there is enough space between employees, and clean and disinfect public areas regularly. Signs can be used to enforce the need to maintain good airflow in the office, to instruct employees where to sit and stand, and to remind office cleaning staff of the new procedures they will need to adhere to.

You can also use signs in your workplace to remind employees of the symptoms of COVID-19 and to advise them what to do in the event that they do experience symptoms.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Tiredness

It is also possible to experience the following symptoms:

  • Aches and pains
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • A rash on the skin

Employees should be reminded not to share personal items, food, or office supplies including pens, sanitary products, computer equipment or snacks. Office surfaces that are “high-touch” surfaces including remote controls, tabletops, doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets, and keyboards should all be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

Signs are a visual reminder for your employees explaining what to do in the event that they catch COVID-19. Once an employee has symptoms of COVID-19, or has tested positive, they should remain in their home (if possible isolated in one room if it’s a shared household) in order to protect themselves, their families and housemates, and the larger community. Most people will only suffer from minor symptoms and will not need medical attention. You can remind employees using posters that if they do not require medical intervention, they can treat any minor symptoms by staying hydrated and taking over-the-counter medications like acetaminophen. They should, however, be reminded to seek immediate medical care if they have any of the following symptoms:

  • Trouble breathing
  • Chest pains or pressure on their chest
  • Bluish lips
  • Inability to wake up or stay awake

Signs should be used to remind employees that even if they are low-risk there are others around them who are high-risk or who live with high-risk family members. These include older adults and those who suffer from underlying medical conditions. This is why it is imperative that all employees maintain social distancing, wear cloth masks, and wash their hands frequently.

You can browse through our collection of free printable COVID-19 posters and signs. Print the signs you need to make your office or workspace as safe as possible, and remind your employees to remain diligent.



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